Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Now this, this is what I call a beautiful song!

Composer: Yoko Kanno
Singer: Ilaria Graziano

Tra le mie braccia fragili
Stringo il vuoto che sa di te
Respiro le tue parole che
Vivono in una melodia

E dolcemente suonerò

I luminosi tramonti riflessi nei
tuoi occhi languidi e grandi
le mie perle d’amore

in uno sguardo tu
sai donare un sorriso al mio volto che
ora ti cerca tra lacrime
che hanno formato l’oceano
in quale sento ritornerai da me

La pallida luna m’illumina
Mentre il vento mi parla di te
La danza del mare ti porterà
Sulle rive della realtà

E finalmente ti rivedrò

Ti trovi l’ombra dei sogni miei ma anche tu
Sussurri piano al mio orecchio
Perle d’amore

in uno sguardo tu
sai donare un sorriso al mio volto che
ora ti cerca le lacrime
che hanno formato l’oceano
nel quale sempre ritornerai da me


Between my weak (fragile) arms
I hold (strongly) the void that reminds of you
I breath your words that
live in a melody

and I will sweetly play

the bright sunsets reflected in
your tender and big eyes
my pearl of love

In one look you
know how to give (donate) a smile to my face that
now is looking for you between (covered) by tears
that have made the ocean
in which I feel you will return to me

The pale moon is lightening me
meanwhile the wind is speaking of (about) you
the dance of the sea will bring you
on the shores of the reality

And finally I will see you again

You find the shadow of my dreams but you too (not sure this lane)
whispers gently to my ear
pearls of love

in one look you
know how to donate a smile to my face that
now is looking for you, the tears
that made the ocean
in which always you will come back to me

I took the lyrics and translation from somewhere, and I really want to give them some credits, but then, since I use this one for personal use, I don't think that they would mind. =P

Saturday, August 27, 2005

C/B's Theme Song

inner universe
vocal: Origa, words: Origa / Shanti Snyder, music: Yoko kanno

Ангелы и демоны кружили надо мной
Разбивали тернии и звёздные пути
Не знает счастья только тот,
Кто его зова понять не смог...

I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
Собой остаться дольше...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
Собой остаться дольше...

Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning...
Stand alone... Nothing's real anymore and...

...Бесконечный бег...
Пока жива я могу стараться на лету не упасть,
Не разучиться мечтать...любить...
...Бесконечный бег...

Calling Calling, For the place of knowing
There's more that what can be linked
Calling Calling, Never will I look away
For what life has left for me
Yearning Yearning, for what's left of loving

Собой остаться дольше...
Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
Собой остаться дольше...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
Собой остаться дольше...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jelambar, Kavling Polri Blok D polos / 901

And now, there will be no place to turn back to
For home, the original place that define the origin
Had been snatched away by the hands of time and fate

We are forever the eternal refugee
Seeking for place of warmth and comfort
A place called home, who provides such things
But losing the home where we are originated,
Where we first know of things such as warmth and comfort
Is as great a loss as the loss of a parent and a mentor

We are eternal refugee, and the eternal builder
For our lives are the lives of the cotton flower
We live there, with our root firmly attached
And when we have to leave, we would build a place
Where another root would firm another cotton flower

There will be other places where we can anchor ourselves to
But nothing would replace the place
Where we uncurled our little leaves, and blossom
Into cotton flowers, flying to build our own root

Dedicated to the old house of Jalan Hadiah Utama IA /901.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Where are the heroes today?
Those, whose fingers wrote down histories
Those, who were disillusioned of their act
Those, who understand the weight of the word, "sacrifice"

And no, there are no heroes born today
For borned heroes, would be adeptly persecuted and executed
By the very things they try to save and protect

"Don't try to be any hero!"
"Use your common sense!"
"What good is trying to be a hero?"

And as such, gone are the heroes

Even when they are needed the most,
Even when they are pleaded upon,
They would not come again.
They cannot come again.

For heroes, are just animated corpses
Which are resurrected, time and again
By the ungrateful, who cannot be satisfied
And kill those, who satisfy.