Monday, January 17, 2005

Heat, Fan, and Comfort

As I lazing off
In the comfortable heat wave
The whirling of the fan
Accompany me as a background sound

Some jazzy tunes in both ears
And a good book to read about
What is unfavourable by many people
Were made heaven by self

A picture comes into mind
The image of elders, lazing off
In the same heat wave, but somewhere else
No doubt, enjoying the same weather

While one contemplates what has passed,
The other contemplates about what has to come
Just like the soothing wind of the summer
Away she comes, away she goes.


little M said...

hahaha.. keren kereeennnnnn
i like the way u write!!
very true and yet very poetic...
makes me laugh at my own self, too!

Anonymous said...

testing doang men...