Sunday, May 14, 2006

A case of inadequate translation~~~~

Dingin Tak Tercatat

Dingin tak tercatat
pada termometer

Kota hanya basah

Angin sepanjang sungai
mengusir, tapi kita tetap saja

disana. Seakan-akan

gerimis raib
dan cahaya berenang

mempermainkan warna.

Tuhan, kenapa kita bisa

Goenawan Mohamad, 1971.

Unregistered Chill

Unregistered chill
on the thermometer

A drenched city

The wind along the river
extrudes, but we dwelled on

there. As if

the drizzle fades away
and the light were swimming,

playing with colours.

God, why can we attain

chaosbeowulf, 2006.

1 comment:

ロスト said...

That person should have been TEACHING us!
