Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Marriage Poetry

The Journey to the Road

It is the day
We promise each other
To stand together
And walk our path together

It is from that day
We join our hearts and souls
Embracing each other
In moments of tears and laughters

Filling the special place
That was destined in each other's soul
Adding the missing pieces
That was eternally sought after

It is not going to be a smooth road
It is not going to be like a dream
It is not going to be that simple
It is not going to be that easy

But then, we have each other
We have each other to lend our shoulders
We have each other to lend our ears
We have each other to lend our hands
We have everything to share
Because from that day,
We are one.

Ok2, this is what I write when the certain someone that I mention earlier ask me to write a piece of poetry for one of her relatives' wedding celebration. It is sad that this piece was forgotten by both of us, and thus, is not delivered to the one it should be intended to. However, some people said that this one is real nice. LOL, I have the talent to be a charmer, yet, I enjoy being a common man.

1 comment:

little M said...

romantis siaaaa

tadinya kukirain, kamu mo nikah.... :P